Fruit Psychology. Test "fruit-berries and character" Test for the psyche of fruit

what do you like more:

A) cucumber or tomato B) melon or watermelon?

- Cucumber and melon

This choice is more characteristic of men than women. Men of this type are courageous and serious. They rarely come under the influence and are not susceptible to alcoholism. Among them are many athletes and travel enthusiasts. A woman with such a man will feel like behind a stone wall - his responsibility extends to family relationships. Such men are single-minded and easily achieve their intended goals. But this type has its drawbacks - the cucumber-melon man lacks romanticism, so if a woman expects flowers from him, then it is better not to wait for the weather by the sea, but to transparently hint that I would like to receive a bouquet as a gift. Women of this type often become bosses, but in family life they are helpless, like children — they do not cook well, do not know how to allocate a budget, and do not like to wash and wash dishes. However, in the face of such a woman, a man will find a faithful and understanding friend.

- Tomato and watermelon

Tomato-watermelon people are cheerful and active. They are characterized by increased sociability, but are not always even in communication: their explosive nature often leads to scandals. Men of this type are foodies. they are lazy and prefer slippers and a bathrobe to a rucksack and a sleeping bag. Women in a tomato-watermelon warehouse are emotional, they love animals and a home, next to them it is always warm and cozy. They do not know how to weave intrigue, but can admit tactlessness, as they say what they think: sincerity and ingenuity are the main psychological quality of tomato-watermelon people.

- Cucumber and watermelon

People of such a warehouse are constantly experiencing mental confusion. Their external calm and restraint is fraught with inner tension. They say about such men: there are devils in a quiet pool. With a cucumber-watermelon person you live like on a volcano - you never know what will happen tomorrow and what idea he is carrying now. Cucumber-watermelon women do not make scandals over trifles - they accumulate resentment and one fine day are able to kill all the dishes in the house, often about the head of a poor spouse. Cucumber-watermelon people are the most creative type. They are able to think, among them scientists and inventors are often found. On the other hand, if Ostap Bender had passed this test, he would surely have ended up in a camp of cucumber-watermelon people.

- Melon and tomato

If these fruits are close to you, you are balanced, considerate, calm. You have inner tact and sensuality. You love beautiful things and have great taste. Melon and tomato men are somewhat feminine. Very often they become artists, musicians, in general, creativity is closest to these people. Women of this warehouse are amorous, impressionable, in love they are passionate and constant. From tomato-melon women, loyal, tender, and caring wives are obtained. But men belonging to this type may turn out to be narcissistic egoists.

P.S. The best marriages are between:

the cucumber melon man and the watermelon cucumber woman;

man "melon-tomato" and woman "melon-cucumber";

the man “cucumber-watermelon” and the woman “tomato-watermelon”;

the "tomato-watermelon" man and the "tomato-melon" woman.

It is always interesting to know the weaknesses and strengths of a person! This test will help to understand a little and understand what kind of personality is in front of you! Present, as a gift, a fruit basket to a person. Watch what he chooses: orange, peach, strawberries, banana, pear, apple, plum, watermelon, grapes ?!

If a person prefers:

  Fans of oranges are mysterious, modest and shy. These people are soft and easy to communicate, easily converge with others. They know how to win over, love when they trust. These are creative people who know how to joke and can be the soul of the company.

  People who prefer peach are quite restrained in their desires, very vulnerable, but with a beautiful, pure soul.

  Strawberries are a favorite treat of people who prefer refinement and elegance. They love comfort, originality. They like it when they pay attention, speak positively about their talents, and also like to mention them themselves.

  A banana can be chosen by a strong-willed person who is not afraid of difficulties in anything. But, at the same time, such people sometimes suffer from bouts of melancholy ...

  This fruit is liked by those who have a calm disposition and the gift of a wonderful storyteller. They are seductive and erotic, able to bewitch their companion. These people want to always be in the spotlight.

  Practical people who do not change their habits choose. They are ready to help if you ask.
  A person who reaches for an apple is firm, like a fruit adored by him, reliable and proper.

  These people are quite cute, cute, creative, capable of creating masterpieces in moments of melancholy.

They are preferred by those who will never abandon their work halfway. Often even the most difficult problems, for them - it’s the same as seeds.

  It bribes those who are prone to excessive frankness and also value the ability to keep secrets in others. Fans of grapes can often be found at noisy parties or with a backpack behind you in the forest, in the mountains. These people do not like loneliness, prefer to be in the circle of many friends.


This simple and fun test will show that there is the most direct connection between your favorite fruit and your personality.

Depending on the fruit you choose, you will find what your choice means from a psychological point of view.

So, choose your favorite fruit from the list below and see what it says about your character and personality in general:

Psychological test in pictures


If you choose a pear, you are a person who is charged with enthusiasm at the beginning, and then easily squanders it along the way and loses interest in what is happening.

You can easily succeed in conceived, if you finish the work you have begun to the end and do not lose the initial fuse. And that means you really want something really strong! Well, and most importantly, be patient.


You have a friendly and sincere character, although sometimes you are quite stubborn. You are passionate, open to everything new and interesting, and you like to believe that life is beautiful, even when it convinces you of the opposite.

Positiveness is the word that best describes you.


You are a very correct and loyal person, and you like to keep a certain calm and equanimity. You are refined and elegant, like real expensive wine.

You sometimes show some negative traits, such as, for example, an explosive one, but they are caused by truly unbearable situations.

You are attracted to ordinary people, because you yourself are always honest and like to call a spade a spade.

Fruit character


Your life is not very easy, and you often come across very unpleasant life situations. You are skeptical, and you won’t believe what you yourself will not see.

You tend to distrust people until they provide you with facts. However, people around you appreciate your kindness and sincerity. Do not forget that you are a good person!

5. Pineapple

You are not a very romantic person, and most likely endowed with healthy pragmatism.

You are a person who is always looking for benefits in things and situations and does not allow himself to be deceived. In the circle of friends you are known as a very agile and insightful person with a well-developed intuition!

Pick fruit


You are a peaceful, calm and sensitive person. You often care about others, so they can take advantage of these qualities and even abuse your kindness and warmth.

Advice one: more often put yourself and your own desires in the first place.


An apple is a symbol of dedication, love, spiritual exaltation, perfection and ecstasy.

If you choose this fruit, you are a person who likes to be in the spotlight. You are an extravagant person who always leaves traces. Although you do not have good organizational skills, you can be a good leader.


You are a groovy and cheerful person, almost as bright as the orange itself.

You like everything simple and clear, for example, nature. It is in the fresh air that you are filled with strength and are able to feel like a completely happy person. People are drawn to you and simply adore your optimism and spiritual beauty.

You are the one who loves and appreciates freedom, and at the same time wants the right half to be with him.


You are sensitive, passionate, and sometimes unreasonable.

You love beautiful things and know how to enjoy life. You value every minute, every moment and yourself know how to turn life into a real holiday. Laughter for you is the best cure for all hardships, and love is something without which you cannot imagine your own existence.

American psychologists have revealed the dependence of a person’s character on berries and fruits, which he prefers to eat. They carried out a thorough analysis, which allowed us to distinguish people by type - such as Oranges, Pears, Apples, Strawberries and Sweet Cherries - and give them a fairly detailed description.

Choose a fruit or berry from those proposed to your taste:



A pineapple











Sweet cherry

The apples



people love soft and sweet in communication, easily converging with others and consider themselves not entitled to be a burden to anyone. As a rule, oranges prefer Aquarius.

Positive personality! Avoid confrontation, never complain about anything. Every now and then you try to direct people to the righteous path, which, frankly, you rarely succeed. However, you do not change your habits. At home, you are a flexible husband and father (wife and mother), respectful with older people. More principledness would not hurt you.

Oh, you are an esthete! Weigh every word before pronouncing it, no hasty utterances and opinions. From people who do not share your views, try to stay at a distance. Books, furnishings, clothes, food are all tasteful (of course, to the best of their abilities and capabilities). Monogamous. With persons of the opposite sex, no familiarities or ambiguities.

Sweet is your speech, eyes shine with kindness. But the one who takes this for signs of shyness, forgiveness, mercy will be mistaken. Anyone who encroaches on your sovereignty will immediately receive a tough rebuff. So for friends you are a dear friend, for foes you are an implacable adversary. Most likely, you are a creative person and, very possibly, write poems and sentimental stories.

In your heart you are a gentle and kind-hearted person, although some of your manners seem to indicate arrogance and arrogance. You are sentimental, easily vulnerable. Love to dream, although you are well aware that most often your dreams are unrealizable. Alas, laziness often envelops you. As far as ideas and opinions are concerned, they are easily influenced by others; it is not difficult to convince you. If you prefer bananas, then in your horoscope Mars is strongly manifested or the sign of Aries is expressed.


Know how to keep secrets, yours and others. But your secrecy often transcends the limits of the rational, for which reason people treat you with distrust. Closure is not the best way affects relations with loved ones. What you will not refuse - punctuality, the ability to keep this word.

Pear lovers are calm, friendly people who regenerate a good mood. Plus, they have a developed sense of humor and are music lovers. From an astrological point of view, pears should be liked first of all by Gemini and other signs of the air element (Libra, Aquarius).

If you like pomegranate, then it’s better not to joke with you, nor to be frank, not to lend large amounts of money.


You are a cheerful, hospitable person, you can get along with people. You are inherent in elegance, love beautiful things and know how to value and protect them. Do not be jealous, do not get annoyed over trifles. However, you know the pangs of jealousy (even without any good reason). In astrology, people of a similar nature are described by the sign Leo.


Soul wide open! Find a common language with people of different social backgrounds. Love fun company, feast. Even if there is no good hearing and voice, you still sang. Do not bear it when offending the weak. It’s easy to get a promise from you, but unfortunately you almost immediately forget about it.

Whether you are a woman or a man, it’s all the same to you: coquetry, admiring yourself and a fair amount of selfishness are characteristic of you. You won’t do anything “for no reason.” Difficult situations plunge you into a whirlpool of emotions, cause panic, and then you are looking for a high patron. But you must pay tribute to you - you are very executive.

You are a companionable person, psychologically compatible with most of those around you.
  True, sometimes it "finds" you, and it can be difficult for others to understand, joke or speak seriously. You will not be denied intelligence. But the trouble is, you often pass on to difficulties.

We have to admit that you are a scum and a quibbler, although at times you allow yourself to be condescending to the mistakes of others. Do not tolerate criticism. You hardly have many friends and girlfriends.

You are gentle, gentle, polite. We are always ready to act even to the detriment of ourselves, if only to bring joy and pleasure to your loved ones. Never gossip, but love to tell and listen to jokes. In love, you are a child - it is hard for you to feel unfaithfulness and neglect.

If you like apples, then you are a zealous and a little old-fashioned person. The authorities favor you because you are ready to fulfill any assignment. Your nature is lyrical, sentimental, often sad, it would seem, for no apparent reason.

   There is such an anecdotal "test", quite popular, judging by the fact that it is often found on the network. Who has not seen can pass. Then I will outline some considerations regarding the interpretation of his results.

"Quickly say out loud the answers without hesitation!
Russian poet?
Domestic bird?
The fruit?
Part of the face?

called: Pushkin, chicken, apple, nose? If so, you have standard thinking! If not, then you are among those 2% of people who have “different” or “non-standard” thinking. 98% of people call these answers. If you do not believe, check on your relatives and know ... "(end of quote)

What does the test author offer us as an interpretation? I will try to disclose the terms used by the author. Standard thinking (which is probably diagnosed to you) has a rather negative connotation in modern speech use, which means narrowness, narrow-mindedness, and an inability to be creative. On the contrary, non-standard thinking is the ability to find new approaches and unusual solutions in any situation.

Cognitive anthropology, exploring the interaction between culture / society and human thinking, gives a different answer. Based on the questioning of groups of informants belonging to the same culture, it was revealed that different people give generally different answers to the same questions, but the bulk of the majority and quantitatively, however, is a block of the same typical answers.

It is these very same frequency and standard answers that define the "cultural consensus" and form the core of cultural knowledge. In a number of tests, it was revealed that the more such standard answers a person gives to the questions posed, the faster he does it, the more he is confident in his answers, the more educated, experienced, intelligent (IQ above), socially adapted.

So it turns out that those who answer “Pushkin, chicken, apple, nose” are more likely to be people who know Russian culture well, are smart enough and educated, socially equipped, have good cultural competence, than are stupid and “stereotypically minded”. While “unconventionally thinking” people are more likely either not familiar with Russian culture, or are stupid, maybe even sick (in the framework of the above test, schizophrenics distinguished themselves by “out-of-the-box thinking”).

Questions from the test about "Pushkin, chicken, apple and nose" may not be about the "core of cultural knowledge" in the narrow sense, but knowledge of the "correct answer", in this case, "prototypes" (according to E. Roche) within the semantic series " poets; poultry; fruit; parts of the face, "is a condition for successful communication within the Russian language.